Hello! This blog spot is dedicated to people who are considering to travel to Singapore like the the international tourists. Also, students or interested parties that want to have an educational insight on Singapore's A.C.H scene (Arts Culture Heritage).

We're a group of students from Temasek Polytechnic's Hospitality & Tourism Management diploma working on a project to help promote more on the arts, culture and heritage of this wonderful multi-cultured society of Singapore.

Our blog is to show the importance of perserving and promoting A.C.H in a young and small nation like Singapore and the different sites and events that we have in order to expose and to advertise our country's unique A.C.H scene. Take for example the ethic arts present in Singapore that plays a key role in showing the different A.C.H aspects of our country and provides us with a cultural ballast and inspiration for modern interpretation of works.

Considering that you might have accidentally/intentionally stumbled on to this blog, I shall give you guys an insight to the background of our establishment of this info-tour blog.

Disclaimer: This blog is for a school project and the information provided is correct at time of blogging.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Glimpse of Singapore A.C.H

Singapore started from a small trading island which gradually grew in its population. People from around the world (E.G. India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Britain) migrated here in the early days so as to find a better life or are posted here to work. Their different beliefs, background and religion are all that has helped Singapore mold our unique and diverse culture and in many ways than one, influenced our local arts scene and heritage.

Singapore in its early days:

1.Old Singapore River

2.Old Chinatown

3. Malay village

In the early days, people's home were separated according to their racial groups. The Indians lived in what is known as Little India today, the Malays lived in the Malay Village and the Chinese lived in Chinatown. Though now it is not so, there is still a remarked difference in the external looks of the architecture and the infrastructure present there.
Take a look at the pictures below:

1. Malay Village's Mosque

2. Little India


To end, though Singapore is a small island and the main resource that we lack is land. We do not have enough land to support more facilities for tourist to enjoy. Compared to the other countries, we do not have as much attraction as they do. Also, Singapore is still not yet well known in the global arts scene, it is hard for us to stand out amongst other countries with a strong reputation in its arts like France or Italy. As mentioned above, there’s scarce land in Singapore and we are forced to demolish some historical site so as to make way for modern infrastructure. This will result in an incomplete picture of our local cultural and heritage scene and in turn, be less attractive than what other countries are available to offer.

However, even if we are unable to give you all that is mentioned above, we assure you readers that Singlife-Aloud will bring out the best and the most truthful side to Singapore's local A.C.H scene.

So stay tuned folks!

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